An image or sketch of your design.
The height above the mattress you want the headboard to finish.
The width of headboard.
How deep you need the mattress panel to be.
Will the headboard be wall mounted or on bed legs.
01625 560434
We make Headboards of all shapes, styles, and sizes on site in our workshop, here in Bollington. We offer a basic range of shapes and styles, as well as bespoke made to measure designs. If you have a particular design in mind however simple or complicated we will be happy to work with you to turn this into a reality. To get started with the process please call into the showroom or email us your design along with your dimensions and we can provide you with an initial quotation. Only quality materials and components are used in the construction of every headboard to ensure we deliver high standards of service.
Good information to send to us
An image or sketch of your design.
The height above the mattress you want the headboard to finish.
The width of headboard.
How deep you need the mattress panel to be.
Will the headboard be wall mounted or on bed legs.